Friday, April 20, 2007

Tillman truth seeping out

Jesus. Red Fish all over the page today.

Today we revisit the Pat Tillman story, in which an NFL star and Army hero turns into a symbol for all that is wrong about politics and war.

Apparently as soon as Tillman was shot and killed by friendly fire, the Army calmly created a quarantine-style blackout around the entire Afghani base, designed to severely restrict the flow of information.

I blogged on this a few weeks ago, and will revisit it as the story develops. This is one of those things that don't take a lot of editorializing by me; if you can't figure out the significance... well, what do they say? If you don't know who the sucker is at the table, maybe it's you.

Meanwhile, it is now legal in Texas to shoot and kill someone, say, attempting to break into your car. (Thanks to the indomitable Mark Morford for that one.)

And in other news, for those of you who'd prefer to hear a Japanese man say "the fire would have been right under your buttocks," check out this bidet recall story.

Nice click there. Don't work too hard.


"Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off."
-Bill Veeck

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