Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Earthquake rumblings fall through

It's unfortunate, I think, but talks between San Jose State University and the future San Jose / Bay Area / ?? Earthquakes appear to have died.

The Earthquakes, whose rights as a future Major League Soccer franchise are owned by Oakland A's honcho Lew Wolff, were trying to parlay a private real estate deal into a unique facility-share relationship with a state school.

I'm all for thinking outside the box (which is a penalty in soccer) but it appears this one was not meant to be. Wolff, whose fledgling 'Quakes share a South Bay office with the A's, has said all along he has other options, though this was clearly his favorite. Look out for more on how Wolff, a merely medium-sized magnate, tries to marry sports and real estate in a bid to make money from Silicon Valley interests.

For background: the Fremont A's are a done deal, and the Santa Clara 49ers a distinct possibility.


"People resent articulacy, as if articulacy were a form of vice."
-Frederic Raphael

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