Friday, April 27, 2007

Living in XS

Think your house, apartment, or condo is too small?

I'm betting it's more than 40 square feet.

Yeah, 40.

And if you think yours is a tad pricey month-to-month, how's around a thousand bucks -- on down to a sale model for $20 -- out the door? So to speak, of course.

The website is, and the builder is an artist-type named Jay Shafer.

I just got a little more ashamed of my closet.

And, in Literature, a wee dollop of Red Herring to the lady author who wrote an entire website on top of her refrigerator.

No, not really. She wrote some of it on her stove.

Who, me? Yeah, I'm creative. I spent the last two days filming a fat guy riding a bike.


"Housekeeping ain't no joke."
-Louisa May Alcott

1 comment:

Arman P. Medina said...

Hey! I resemble that remark.